The major problem of urban development in Nigeria today is ineffective development control and enforcement. Despite the existence of local planning authorities whose portfolio includes development control of urban land use, many Nigerian towns are still characterized by incompatible land uses. In order to achieve healthy, aesthetic and functional urban environment, the input of different stakeholders is required. This paper, therefore, examines the strategies of local planning authorities for processing of development permit on every proposal by siting the case of Osogbo local planning authority of Osun State. It also examines the perception of the residents of Osogbo Local Government areas concerning development control activities. A sample size of 157 (representing 0.01%) was taken from the local planning office. The study shows a level of awareness and compliance of the respondent as a result of the activities of the LPA although advocated for the need for improvement. The paper concludes by recommending the need to resuscitate local planning authority in order to play its role in achieving a healthy, livable and a well planned urban environment.

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Categories: Volume 1 No 2