The study examined the effects of the slum environment on the health of the dwellers in Osogbo. This is to assist in policy formulation in the area. The town was stratified into political wards as demarcated by independent National Electoral Commission. There are 23 of such wards in the study area from where 12 were selected for survey. This accounted for 52% of the total wards in the city. Selection was based on similarity in socio-economic attributes, physical characteristics and environmental condition. Selection of buildings for sampling was done through systematic sampling techniques of every tenth building. A household was considered in each selected house of which 150 questionnaires were administered. The findings revealed that socio-economic attributes of the residents were generally poor and houses were without necessary facilities. The environment was poor. The deteriorating health condition of the residents was attributed to this poor condition of the environment. Evidence was the prevalence of environmentally related ailment in the area. The study recommends the need for extensive redevelopment and upgrading through provision of urban basic facilities and poverty alleviation programme. Public
enlightenment and environmental education should also be emphasized to keep the people well informed about the importance of healthy and hygienic environment.
File Type:
Volume 1 No 1