The study examines the impact of customer value dimensions (Functional Value, Emotional Value, Environmental Value, and Economic Value) on customer satisfaction with particular reference to MFBs in Osun State, Nigeria. Data from 257 customers of Microfinance Banks (MFBs) in Osun State, were gathered using a non-probability convenience sampling method, while a structured questionnaire was used to solicit information from the participants. Data analysis was performed with the aid of Path Analysis-Structural Equation Modelling (PA­ SEM). The regression analysis reveals varying degrees of relationships between different independent variables (Functional Value, Emotional Value, Environmental Value, and Economic Value) and Customer Satisfaction (CUS). While Functional Value does not show a statistically significant relationship, Emotional Value, Environmental Value, and Economic Value exhibit different levels of significance and strength in their associations with Customer Satisfaction. Of particular note, Environmental Value (ENV) stands out as having a very strong and statistically significant positive relationship, making it a key predictor with the most substantial impact on Customer Satisfaction among all variables considered. Therefore, MFBs should focus on enhancing emotional connections with customers, possibly through improved customer service, personalized interactions, and marketing strategies that resonate emotionally

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Categories: Volume 5 No 1