This paper explores strategies for rework mitigation at design and construction phases in building projects in Lagos State, Nigeria. A survey research was adopted for this study using structured questionnaire comprising 28 rework mitigating strategies extracted from literatures. The research questionnaire generated a reliability coefficient of 0.949 using Cronbach Alpha. The questionnaires were distributed to professionals with practical supervisory experience on diverse projects in Lagos state using purposive sampling technique. Respondents were asked to rank 28 rework mitigating strategies using Likert scale. 40 responses were received out of 70 administered and analysed using statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS) version 17. Out of 28 factors assessed 25 high influence factors were identified and 3 average influencing factors. Some of the critical strategies identified include good communication (4.06), adequate client briefing (4.00), adequate supervision and monitoring (3.97), use of skilled workers (3.97), design completion and adequacy (3.94), adequate supervision and coordination (3.94). It is recommended that rework mitigating strategies be implemented in all building projects and must be introduced at both the design and construction phases.
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Volume 1 No 2