The development of ICT provides enormous opportunities for small and medium enterprises to conduct their business activities online across the world. ICT has the potential to enhance communication within a company, leading to better and more efficient resource management. This research study investigated the impact of ICT on SMEs performance with special reference to selected SMEs in manufacturing subsector in Lagos. Structured questionnaire designed by the researchers was administered to 40 owners and 80 members of staff that can provide useful information totaling 120 respondents as sample for the study. Multiple Regression analysis was used to analyze the data and the method of estimation is Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) with the aid of statistical product and service solution (SPSS). The result showed that web site design, usage of telephone and e-mail are the major ICT devices that significantly influence SMEs performance in Nigeria. Paper concluded that, for SMEs to grow in a global competitive market environment and to constitute the most viable and veritable vehicle for self-sustaining industrial development in Nigeria, the adoption of ICT by SMEs operators should be encouraged.

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Categories: Volume 1 No 1