The tremendous importance of housing on health, efficiency and national development, and the limited government resources characterized by the economic crunch ravaging the world economies triggers public-private partnership (PPP), a Public Finance Initiative (PFI) for the delivery housing and other social infrastructures to the citizenry. This study examines the challenges of PPP in housing delivery in Nigeria from the perspective of the Estate Surveyors and Valuers in Osogbo. Primary data were sourced through a structured questionnaire, which were administered using total remuneration. Total remuneration is based on the premise that the entire sample frame for the study can be covered i.e. the sample frame is equal to the sample size. 20 questionnaire were administered on the 20 estate surveying and valuation firms in the study area out of which 17 (85%) were returned and good for analysis. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and the study established that housing is not effectively delivered through PPP as a result of multifarious challenges. The study recommended amongst others that Nigeria government should create an enabling environment for public-private synergy and work assiduously towards implementation of PPP agreement in order for the citizenry to be suitably housed
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Volume 2 No 1