The inequity in the distribution of health care facilities is responsible for many health problems prevalent in the rural area. The rural women form a substantial proportion of the poor and the most members of the female labour force lives and works in the rural area. This study assesses the accessibility of rural women to health care facilities in Ola-Oluwa Local Government Area, Osun State Nigeria. The research conducted using sets of questionnaire and field observation to collect data for the purpose of fulfilling the objectives of the study. Structured questionnaire were administered to rural women in ten political wards in the study area. A total of one hundred and fifty questionnaires (150) were administered in the research. The findings revealed that most roads in the area are in poor condition, the staffing situation in the facilities is grossly inadequate. The findings also revealed that medical equipment, drugs and other medical materials are not to write home about. Policy measures are recommended based on the research findings in order to enhance their access to facilities.
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Volume 2 No 1