Marketability is often interpreted by many people as advertising whereas, it is more than that most especially, the marketability of residential property. Many factors apart from publicity stand as instruments that must work or be in operation in order to get the road of disposing/selling residential property smooth. Among these factors are: service quality, price/value, interest rate, tax incentive, building regulations and economic condition. Practicing estate surveyors and valuers were the target respondents. As obtained from their state association brochure/directory, they are more than 30 (thirty) in number; hence, thirty questionnaires were administered using census methodand 22 (twenty-two) were retrieved. Four point summated scales was adopted and presented as VC = VERY CORRECT, C = CORRECT, PC = PARTIALLY CORRECT and NC = NOT CORRECT. Relative Importance Index (RII) was used to determine the correctness and incorrectness of each response in the tables. Responses with less than RII of 0.60 was rejected while the one having RII of 0.60 and above was accepted as appropriate. Descriptive and inferential analysis was adopted using table, frequency, RII and rank for the presentation and interpretation of the responses. The findings revealed that service quality, price/value, interest rate, tax incentive, building regulations and economic condition stand as factors facilitating the marketability of residential property. It was recommended that, the property managers should do as expected of them in the areas of rendering quality service to their customers and engaging in moderation of price or value of their products for the buyers. Also, both private and public lenders should also come in positively in the area of interest rate and finally, government should put in positive effort in the areas of tax incentive, building regulations and economic condition. With this, marketability of residential property will be facilitated which will in turn minimize housing problem in Nigeria.
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Volume 4 No 1