English language is generally acknowledged as a global language, in view of its numerous functions and preference over several other languages around the globe and reportedly the most commonly learned second language around the world. Electronic instructional aids are educational resources (devices) used to improve students’ knowledge, abilities, and skills, to monitor their assimilation of information, and to contribute to their overall development. This paper examines the effect of electronic instructional aids in selected secondary schools in Osogbo Local Government Area of Osun State. Twenty-five (25) students were randomly selected from each of the ten (10) schools selected. Questionnaire containing (8) eight questions was administered; data collected were analyzed by finding the percentage of the responses from the respondent. The findings show that the use of electronic instructional aids has positive impact on the learning of English Language. The findings show further that 70% of teachers of English in Osun State do not teach English Language with the
aid of electronic Instructional material. This is due to teacher’s inability to use electronic instructional aids. The paper concludes that the use of electronics instructional aids in the learning of English Language is never a curse but rather a blessing. It therefore recommends that electronic instructional materials should be made available for every student and teacher in the secondary schools and both the teachers and the students should be motivated to make use  of them. Government should also ensure adequate power supply to the schools in order to make the use of these instructional aids possible.

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Categories: Volume 1 No 2