Fine and Applied Art if properly applied and harnessed can lead to wealth creation, poverty alleviation and economic growth due to its creative and skill related nature. Artists including graphists, textilists, ceramists, painters and sculptors are soul of any society. It is no more a secret that it takes more than economy growth to eradicate poverty or to close income gaps; therefore, it is essential that the people be equipped with the skills needed for creativity, dynamism and pragmatic approach to wealth creation for self-reliance. It cannot be overemphasized to say that Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is the engine room for economic growth and development. No nation can develop without a well-structured TVET programme of which Fine and Applied Art is one. Thus, this paper critically examines the concept of Fine and Applied Art and TVET with emphasis on the roles Fine and Applied Art played in wealth creation, poverty alleviation and economic growth of the nation. It also suggests that there is need for a structured Fine and Applied Art programme in TVET, mentions are made of its prospects and challenges. It is concluded that Fine and Applied Arts, if properly strengthened and functionalized at all levels of education it will be a veritable tool in wealth creation, poverty alleviation and economic growth in Nigeria as a nation.
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Volume 4 No 1